Project Management for Young Erasmus Coordinators
Erasmus Charter for Higher Education 2021-2027
Inter-institutional Agreements
Mobility in KA131/Blended Intensive Programmes
International Mobility KA171
Management of Plans Affected by the Covid-19 pandemic
Grant agreements
Project Management for Young Erasmus Coordinators
The following information is intended to inform the New Coordinators regarding the Management of Plans in the Higher Education Sector in CE1, during the new programming period 2021-2027
- The Project Management Forms and financial tables are posted per call in the Grant Agreements section ( available as Drop Down Menu below )
- Management Tools for New Coordinators KA131 2022 Presentation/
- Project Management for the K131 Call 2021: Presentation| Video
- Project Management for KA131 Call 2022: Kick off meeting HE 2022
- For projects related to the previous programming period ( KA103, KA107, Call 2020 ) the following presentation is available
- Project Management for KA103 2020- Newcomers Presentation/Video
Quick Guide General guidance on the management of Mobility Plans ( Programming Period 2014/2020 )
Erasmus Charter for Higher Education 2021-2027
Erasmus Charter for Higher/Higher Education
About the Charter
The Erasmus Charter for Higher Education (ECHE) provides the general quality framework for the European and international cooperation activities that a higher education institution can carry out under the Erasmus+ programme.
The ECHE is a prerequisite for all higher education institutions established in one of the programme countries that wish to participate in learning mobility of individuals and/or cooperate for innovation and good practice within the Erasmus+ programme.
Higher education institutions in partner countries are not required to have an ECHE , while the quality framework is ensured through inter-institutional agreements between higher education institutions.
How is the ECHE awarded?
The call for proposals for the ECHE award is published annually. See below for forms and procedures for submitting a proposal for 2023.
- ECHE Call How to apply 2023 Video/ Presentation
- call document
- Tpl_Application Form (Part B SEP) (ERASMUS ECHE certificate)
- Charter Holders 11-01-2023 SpreadSheet
- ECHE Annotated Guidelines 2021-2027
The ECHE is awarded for the entire duration of the Erasmus+ programme until 2027, with an extension of the validity date for projects starting in the last year of the programme, and can last up to three years (e.g. until 2030).
What does ECHE contain?
The ECHE principles have been adapted
be adapted to respond to the innovations of the Erasmus+ 2021-2027 programme, such as digitisation, inclusion and sustainability.
Some of the most important additions to the new ECHE are: the commitment to reach out, through inclusion strategies, to groups underrepresented in mobility; ensuring green practices in the organisation of Erasmus+ activities; implementing digitisation through the European student card initiative and the Erasmus+ mobile app; and the commitment to strengthen the participation of mobile students in the community.
In addition, higher education institutions are required to comply with the requirements of the Council Recommendation on automatic mutual recognition to ensure that full automatic recognition of periods of learning abroad is carried out in the smoothest possible way and that students do not have to take additional courses or take additional examinations.
The new ECHE principles have been designed in consultation with the ECHE working group, which consists of representatives of Erasmus+ national stakeholders, higher education experts and student organisations.
To find out how your institution can best comply with ECHE, consult the ECHE guidelines, as well as the ECHE monitoring guide.
Heads of higher education institutions or Erasmus+ coordinators can use the ECHE self-evaluation tool to improve their institution’s performance. Self-evaluation can help you to understand how well your institution is implementing the Charter.
A new version of the tool is being prepared, which will be adapted to the new programming period 2021-2027
Inter-institutional Agreements
Inter-institutional agreements can be signed between two or more higher education institutions (HEIs). They set out the framework conditions for student and staff mobility between Erasmus+-funded institutions
Intra-European mobility
- Mobility between Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) in EU Member States and non-EU countries linked to the Erasmus programme. All institutions should be holders of the Erasmus Charter
International mobility
- Mobility between FTIs located in EU Member States and non-EU countries, whether or not they are linked to the Erasmus programme. IITs from EU Member States and associated third countries must hold the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education. FTIs in non-affiliated third countries must agree to the principles set out in the Charter through the signed Bilateral
Digitisation of Bilateral Agreements ( BPAs )
As part of the European Student Card initiative and efforts to promote environmentally friendly practices in Erasmus+, bilateral agreements (IIAs) are moving from paper to digital. Digital bilateral agreements will be gradually extended.
Phase 1 – mobility between EU Member States and third countries associated with the Programme
Phase 2 – other mobilities, including International Mobility
The academic year 2021/2022 is a transitional year in which all HEIs are gradually joining the Erasmus Without Paper infrastructure to be able to renew their BoDs digitally. Until the BoDs can be renewed digitally, existing BoDs from the Erasmus+ 2014-2020 programme may remain in force.
In cases where digital management of IIAs is not possible for justifiable reasons, the editable templates are provided below.
Digital bilateral agreement (intra-European mobility) English (PDF – 783.78 KB – pages)
Editable bilateral agreement (intra-European mobility) English (Word document – 76.22 KB – pages)
Editable multilateral agreement (intra-European mobility) English (Word document – 77.68 KB – pages)
Editable bilateral/multilateral agreement (international mobility) English (Word document – 114.47 KB – 14 pages)
Information on the Bilateral Agreements will gradually be made available on the Erasmus+ .application
Updates on the Digitalization of Higher Education in the Erasmus+
- Erasmus Without Paper Onboarding Guide
- EWP User Groups Guide for participants ( Jan 2023 )
- State of Play November 2022
- EWP Newsletter to ECHE holders – Dec 2022
Where to find information about the European Student Card Initiative:
European Student Card Initiative
An EU initiative to help students and higher education institutions in Erasmus+ exchanges by simplifying administrative procedures and enhancing digitisation.
- Erasmus+ App : The single entry point to planning a student mobility
- The European Student Card : The European Student Card establishes a common European identity for higher education students. Students can easily verify their student status throughout Europe with their European Student Card
- Erasmus Without Paper : A digital solution for higher education institutions for digital Erasmus mobility management+
Enhanced EWP Dashboard via
ESCI Service Desk: to support you with all kinds of issues, you experience when using the EWP Dashboard.
Support materials: available in the Competence Centre.
- PPP presentation ( Dashboard & OLA Ioylia 2021 on behalf of the National Agency )
- Video
Top Ups to individual support
The top up to Individual support is given on the basis of the priorities of the Diversity and Inclusion Guide which defines the target groups. Only predefined groups of students and recent graduates in each country are eligible for Top Up
Students and recent graduates who fall into the category of fewer opportunities may receive a top-up to inclusion support
-250 EUR per month for long term mobility (2-12 months)
– 100/150 EUR for short term mobilities ( 5- 30 days )
The Diversity and Inclusion Guide applies to both the 2021 Call and the 2022 Call.
See here the guide and the required evidence forms per target group→ Guide
inclusion support
Inclusion support covers non-standard travel and accommodation costs e.g. special accommodation, equipment, extra place or travel costs of an escort where it is deemed by the institution to be incurred in accordance with its Inclusion Strategy based on actual costs.
Under the scheme, it is possible to combine the additional amount given as part of the living costs (top up to individual support) and the additional coverage of actual costs (inclusion support ). It is important that where a combination of the two financial supports is made, the two financial supports are duly justified and cover different costs so that no double funding results. The block category may be the same but the cost items must be different.
- The FTIs can transfer funds from the amount of the grant available to them up to 100% (for example, they may decide to transfer money planned for other mobilities) to cover the funds they lack for the costs related to inclusion support.
- They can request additional funding from the National Agency through the interim reports (the National Agency is not committed to having the funds to meet all requests ).
- More information is available on the IMEP presentation: KickOff_HE_2022-07_09_ Inclusion_OLS_Checks
- Request for additional funding for people with disabilities Higher Education
Mobility in KA131/Blended Intensive Programmes
Blended mobility implementation guide for Erasmus+ higher education mobility KA131_2022
Management of the
- EU Guide to K131:Higher Education Mobiltiy Handbook for Beneficiaries
- Guidance for the management of 2021 PPP Plans : Presentation| Video
- Project Management for KA131_KA171 Call 2022 IMEP : Kick off meeting HE 2022
The project management forms and financial tables are available per call under the Grant Agreements section
Plan Management Tool
- Beneficiary Module Presentation| Video
Blended Mobilities & BIPs ( Blended Intensive Programmes )
- Blended Intensive Programmes_FAQ_April 2023
- Blended Mobility Guidance Paper July 2022
- KA131 Blended Intensive Programmes and blended mobility FAQs March 2022
- Presentation of the European Commission
- Presentation entitled “The Role of Blended Mobility in an Overall Strategy for the Internationalisation of the Curriculum (GHENT UNIVERSITY CASE)”
- Dos and Dont’s in the implementation of BIPs ( Icelandic NA )
OLS_ Online Linguistic Support
- The European Commission has taken the decision to lift the obligation of the OLS language assessment before the start of each mobility of participating students and new graduates in higher education for 2021, 2022 and 2023 Calls. See the relevant
Guidelines for Students for the assessment of their Language Proficiency.
International Mobility KA171
Management of Plans Affected by the Covid-19 pandemic
Grant agreements
Grant Agreement Year: 2024 | KA131
- General Template of Agreement between the Lifelong Learning Institute and Higher Education Institutions
- Addendum to the Grant Agreement – Incoming Mobilities from Ukraine (KA131)
Annexes to the Agreement between the Lifelong Learning Institute and Higher Education Institutions:
- ANNEX I – Dispatch with each organisation’s Grant Agreements
- ANNEX 5 – Specific Rules
- ANNEX 6 – EE Templates for agreements to be used between beneficiaries and participants:
Note: The forms in Annex 6 do not have to be used in their entirety, as shown below. The beneficiary may create its own forms, as long as the minimum information contained in the European templates is identified within the forms it creates.
Learning Agreement Templates for Studies/Internship – Students
- UN Learning Agreement Student Mobility for Studies KA131
- UN Learning Agreement Student Mobility for Studies KA131_ Digital pdf
- UN Learning Agreement Student Mobility for Studies KA131 International
- TE Learning Agreement Traineeship KA131- KA171
Training/Teaching Agreement Templates – Staff of Higher Education Institutions
- Mobility Agreement for Training
- Mobility Agreement for Teaching
Management of Approved Plans KA131, 27 September 2024
- Presentation (GREEK)Presentation (ENGLISH)
- Taped Presentation
Grant Agreement Year: 2023 | KA131
Annexes to the Agreement between the Lifelong Learning Institute and Higher Education Institutions
Forms of Learning and Education/Training Agreements for Students
- UN Learning Agreement Student Mobility for Studies KA131
- UN Learning Agreement Student Mobility for Studies KA131_ Digital pdf
- UN Learning Agreement Student Mobility for Studies KA131 International
- TE Learning Agreement Traineeship KA131- KA171
For staff
Student and Staff Grant Agreement
Management KA131 Call 2023
- Presentation
- Webex meeting recording: Workshop on K131 Plan Management – Higher Education-20230907 0708-1 Password: MggU7Tu*
Grant Agreement Year: 2023 | KA171
- Kick off meeting KA171 2023
- Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility – Handbook for participating organisations | Erasmus+ (
Annexes to the Agreement between the Lifelong Learning Institute and Higher Education Institutions
Forms of Learning and Education/Training Agreements for Students
- UN Learning Agreement Student Mobility for Studies 2023 KA171
- TE Learning Agreement Traineeship KA131- KA171
For staff
Student and Staff Grant Agreement