Higher Education

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Key Action 1 – Higher Education

Higher Education mobility projects provide an opportunity for Higher Education Institutions, operating in the field, to receive funding for organising mobility activities for students, recent graduates and staff, contributing to achieving their objectives and their internationalisation


Programme Utilisation Opportunities

Interested parties can apply for funding as sending/hosting organisations in the following ways:

  • Mobility between Programme Countries - KA131 (Project Duration 26 months) starting on June 1st:

It concerns the mobility of outgoing staff, students and recent graduates, as well as the organisation of Short, Blended Intensive Programmes, in all Programme Countries and third countries associated or not associated to the Programme (subject to specific restrictions).

  • International Mobility - KA171 (Project Duration 24 or 36 months) starting on August 1st:

It concerns outgoing and incoming mobility of staff, students and recent graduates, to and from third countries not associated to the Programme.

In both cases (KA131 and KA171) the Institutions must be awarded the Erasmus Charter. You can find out more about the awarding process of the Erasmus Charter under Erasmus Charter Accreditation

Additionally, the Programme can be utilised by the Institutions without submitting an application:

  • As members of an existing consortium
  • As host organisations for participants from another country

Επιλέξιμοι Συμμετέχοντες

Α. Προσωπικό Οργανισμού

  • Διδακτικό και διοικητικό προσωπικό που εργοδοτείται σε Τριτοβάθμιο ίδρυμα.
  • Φοιτητές/τριες που φοιτούν σε επίσημο εγγεγραμμένο δημόσιο ή ιδιωτικό ίδρυμα στην Κύπρο και πρόσφατοι απόφοιτοι (εντός 12 μηνών από την ημερομηνία ολοκλήρωσης των σπουδών τους).

Eligible participants

A. Institution Staff

Eligible Organisations

Erasmus Charter Accreditation

The Erasmus Charter for Higher Education (ECHE) provides the general quality framework for European and international cooperation activities carried out by a higher education institution under the Erasmus+ programme.

Obtaining the ECHE is a prerequisite for all higher education institutions established in one of the Programme Countries wishing to participate in the learning mobility of individuals and/or cooperate on innovation and good practices under the Erasmus+ programme.

Higher education institutions in partner countries are not required to have an ECHE and the quality framework is ensured through Inter-Institutional Agreements concluded between higher education institutions.

How is the Erasmus Charter awarded?

The ECHE Call for certifications is published annually on the Funding and Tenders Portal.  

Candidates should carefully read the documentation, in particular the Call for certifications Document, the Charter,  its Guidelines and the EU Electronic Handbook.

Eligible Outgoing Activities KA131/KA171

  • Mobility of teaching staff (STA)
    • 2 to 60 days: for teaching at a Higher Education Institution in eligible countries, bearing an Erasmus charter under KA131
    • 5 to 60 days:  for the provision of teaching at a Higher Education Institution in areas not associated to the programme whereby a Bilateral Agreement under KA171 is applied.
  • The teaching staff activity shall last at least 8 hours per week (or any shorter period). If mobility lasts longer than one week, the minimum number of teaching hours for the additional days should be proportional to those days.
  • Mobility for Education and Training purposes/STT
    • 2 to 60 days in eligible countries under KA131
    • 5 to 60 days: for mobility in countries not associated to the Programme under KA171.
  • The learning period may take the form of training (excluding conferences) or job shadowing & observation periods.
  • Staff mobility abroad can combine teaching and training activities. If a teaching period for structured training under KA131 is combined with a training period during a period abroad, the minimum required teaching duration is 4 hours per week.
  • The minimum duration of a teaching or education/training mobility is always sequential.
  • Study mobility is for students enrolled at a higher education institution in studies leading to a recognised degree or equivalent. The study abroad period should be relevant to the learning and personal development needs associated with the degree and be part of the curriculum followed.
  • The sending and receiving institutions must have a signed Bilateral Agreement between them. Both institutions must also hold the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education (if they are located in EU Member States or third countries associated to the Erasmus+ programme). Institutions from third countries not associated to the Erasmus+ Programme commit to respect the principles of the Charter when signing Bilateral Agreements.
  • The long-term study period abroad can last from 2 to 12 months and can be combined with an online learning
  • Short-term or limited-term physical mobility abroad as part of blended mobility lasts between 5 and 30 days including participation in BIPs, while the virtual period in any short-term mobility is mandatory (except for short-term mobility of the third cycle)
  • Traineeships abroad can last between 2 and 12 months (long-term mobility) or 5-30 days (short-term mobility with an additional mandatory online part). Students can also combine an Erasmus+ traineeship with a study period abroad.
  • Erasmus+ traineeships are open to any student enrolled in a higher education institution holding an Erasmus+ Charter for Higher Education. Traineeships should be relevant to the degree-related learning and personal development needs and, where possible, integrated into the curriculum.
  • A traineeship can take place in any organisation located anywhere in the world (with the exception of EU institutions, bodies and agencies)

*Students can benefit from mobility abroad with Erasmus+ multiple times, but their total time abroad cannot exceed 12 months within a study cycle.

*”Cycle” refers to the level of study as defined by the European Qualifications Framework (EQF):

  • First cycle (Degree or equivalent) EQF 5/6
  • Second cycle (Master or equivalent) EQF 7
  • Third cycle (PhD or equivalent) EQF 8

*For single-cycle study programmes such as medicine or architecture, students can participate in Erasmus+ mobility periods for up to 24 months.

*All eligible activities must take place in eligible Programme countries abroad.

Blended Intensive Programmes:

BIPs are brief, intensive programmes that use innovative ways of learning and teaching, including the use of online collaboration. An intensive programme must have added value compared to the existing courses or trainings offered by the participating Higher Education Institutions.

The duration of the physical presence is between 5 and 30 days, but there is no limit to the duration of the online part. Full eligibility criteria can be found in the Erasmus+ Programme Guide.

Within each joint intensive project cooperation there should be one coordinating institution (usually the coordinating institution is also the host institution) and at least two other partner institutions.  All participating institutions should have a valid Erasmus charter.

The following types of mobility activities can be organised to take part in a blended intensive project:

  • Mobility for studies
  • Staff mobility for teaching
  • Staff mobility for training 

Inbound Mobility

  • Invited Staff from Enterprise (1 to 60 days)
  • Reception of Ukrainian students and recent graduates for studies/internships under KA131.

Budget Categories

Based on unit costs
Based on actual costs