The programme addresses citizens’ limited participation in its democratic processes and their lack of knowledge about the European Union and tries to help them to participate actively in the life of their community or in the political and social life of the Union. Enhancing citizens’ understanding of the European Union from an early age is vital for the future of the Union. In addition to formal education, non-formal learning can help citizens to gain a better understanding of the European Union and strengthen their sense of belonging to it.
The programme supports active citizenship and compliance with ethical rules in lifelong learning promotes the development of social and intercultural competences, critical thinking and media literacy. Priority shall also be given to projects offering opportunities for participation in democratic life, as well as opportunities for social and civic participation through formal and non-formal learning activities. Particular emphasis is also placed on raising awareness and understanding of the European Union context, in particular with regard to the EU’s common values, the principles of unity and diversity, and its social, cultural and historical heritage.
In the youth field, the strategy for youth participation was designed to provide a common framework and support the use of the programme in democratic life.