The European Innovative Teaching Award

The European Innovative Teaching Award was launched in 2021, as part of activities promoting the achievement of the goals of the European Education Area by 2025 and is an annual institution for the entire Programming Period 2021 – 2027.

The European Innovative Teaching Award was launched in 2021, as part of activities promoting the achievement of the goals of the European Education Area by 2025 and is an annual institution for the entire Programming Period 2021 – 2027. The aim of the institution is to present the excellent teaching practices implemented in the framework of the Erasmus+ program and to recognise the work of teachers and schools for their contribution.

The award aims at:

  • Recognising the achievements of teachers and schools and the promotion of their work.
  • Identifying and promoting good teaching and learning practices.
  • Promoting mutual exchange of knowledge between teachers and school staff.
  • Promoting the value of the Erasmus+ programme for cooperation between teachers in Europe.

The award is given to Erasmus+ projects that have already been completed, in the fields of school education, vocational education and training and are selected by the Foundation for the Management of European Lifelong Learning Programmes, as the competent National Agency.

The evaluation and selection of projects are based on predefined procedures and criteria developed by the European Commission and the National Agencies of the Programme.

The prize has a symbolic value, as Erasmus+ projects are implemented based on funding. However, the awarded projects will be promoted at national and European level as good practices of innovation in education and will be represented at the National and European Award Ceremony.

Up to four prizes are awarded per Programme country, one for each of the categories:

  • Early childhood education and care
  • Primary education
  • Secondary education
  • Vocational education and training

The Foundation for the Management of European Lifelong Learning Programmes selects projects based on eligibility criteria, annual thematic priority and selection criteria. After the selection of the nominated projects, the National Agency will contact the coordinating schools to obtain the necessary information and proceed with the final selection of the proposed awards. This process does not require any action from the beneficiaries.

  • Eligibility Criteria
  • Thematic priority for 2024
  • Choice/Selection Criteria
Eligibility Criteria
  • Projects of the 2019 – 2023 calls for proposals, which have been completed
  • Projects, which have been funded by the National Agency in Cyprus and had a Cypriot organisation as coordinator
  • Projects that have not received the Award in previous years
  • Projects falling under the thematic priority as defined annually by the European Commission
Thematic priority for 2024

For 2024, the theme for the EU Innovative Teaching Award is "Well-being at school" and is linked to the implementation of the Pathways to School Success initiative. This year’s thematic priority explores building a systemic, holistic approach to wellbeing and mental health in schools.

Award Criteria: Innovation Characteristics

Award criteria: the innovation characteristics

The EITA will be awarded based on the following criteria. Each criterion should be assessed on a scale from 1 (poor) to 10 (excellent):

Methodologies used

In what ways are the teaching and learning approaches elaborated and implemented in the project innovative?

  • Multidisciplinary approaches
  • Key competence development (knowledge, skills and attitudes) and assessment (formative assessment)
  • Linking formal, non-formal and informal learning
  • Inclusion, participation, cooperation
  • Learners’ active role in the learning process
  • Cooperation with external stakeholders

Innovation environments

In what ways do learning environments involved in the project support innovative teaching and learning approaches?

  • Schools as enablers of innovation
  • Building a positive school climate 
  • Sustainable use of available resources
  • A whole school approach
  • Cross-sectoral cooperation (in particular with health care, social services, justice, etc)

Teachers’ role

In what ways do teachers/educators involved in the project influence the innovative teaching and learning processes?

  • Teachers’ agency as innovators
  • Teachers’ well-being
  • Teachers’ competences
  • Teachers’ cooperation and peer learning

Impact and outputs

What is the impact of the innovative teaching and learning processes elaborated and implemented in the project?

  • Direct impact on the project target groups
  • Inclusion of participants with fewer opportunities
  • Spill-over effect (to other students, teachers, schools, local communities and parents)

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