Environment and Combating Climate Change

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The environment and climate action are key priorities for the EU both now and in the future. The European Green Deal Communication is the new European strategy for growth and recognises the key role of schools, training institutions and universities in working with pupils, parents and the wider community on the changes needed to make the transition to a successful transition to make the EU climate neutral by 2050.

The programme will therefore be a key instrument for developing knowledge, skills and attitudes to climate change and sustainable development both within the European Union and beyond. Erasmus+ will increase the number of mobility opportunities in green sectors with a long-term perspective, which promote capacity building, enhance career prospects and engage participants in thematic areas of strategic importance for the sustainable development of our planet, with a particular focus on rural development (sustainable agriculture, natural resource management, soil protection, organic farming). In addition, Erasmus+, with a focus on mobility, should seek to achieve a carbon neutral balance by promoting sustainable modes of transport and more responsible behaviour.

The programme supports the use of innovative practices to enable learners, staff and youth workers to be real agents of change (e.g. saving resources, reducing energy consumption and waste, offsetting carbon footprints, choosing sustainable food and mobility options, etc.). Priority will also be given to projects which – through activities in the fields of education, training, youth and sport – contribute to changing attitudes in terms of individual preferences, cultural values and awareness of sustainable development, consumption patterns and lifestyles.

In addition to the Programme, the Foundation for the Management of European Lifelong Learning Programmes has also implemented a series of actions under an action plan aimed at making the service itself greener. In particular, recycling, digitalisation of processes, energy saving and other actions are being implemented.