DiscoverEU Integration Action

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DiscoverEU Integration Action

DiscoverEU is an action of the Erasmus+ program that gives young people the opportunity to have a short travel experience in Europe, alone or in a group, by rail or other means of transport, where appropriate. The program is divided into two sub-actions, a centralized one (General Call) and a decentralized one (DiscoverEU Integration Action).

The DiscoverEU Integration Action provides the opportunity for organisations and informal youth groups to receive additional support to implement projects for young people with fewer opportunities to explore Europe on an equal basis with participants in the DiscoverEU General Call.


Eligible Organizations

The following can participate as leaders:

Number of participating organizations

Eligible Activities

Eligible Participants

Budget Categories

Based on unit costs
Based on real costs


Natalia Kucharchiuk
Telephone: 22 448862