ΚΑ155 DiscoverEU Inclusion Action

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DiscoverEU Integration Action

DiscoverEU is an Erasmus+ action that gives young people aged 18 the opportunity to have a short travel experience in Europe, alone or in a group, by train or other modes of transport where appropriate. DiscoverEU also seeks to strengthen the inclusion dimension by providing additional support to participants with fewer opportunities to explore Europe.

The programme is divided into two sub-actions, one centralised (General Call) and one decentralised (Integration Action).


What is the DiscoverEU general call?

What is the DiscoverEU integration action?

The "DiscoverEU integration action" aims to:


  • non-profit organisation, association, NGO, public body at local, regional or national level, social enterprise, profit-making body active in the field of corporate social responsibility
  • an informal group of young people aged 13-30,

based in an EU Member State or a third country associated with the programme.

3-24 months

travel to at least one country other than the one where the participants started their journey

The interrail tickets, which you can request through the DiscoverEU membership action, cover 33 European countries. See here for more information.

1-30 days. The organisation may organise several trips with 1-5 participants plus leaders/coordinators/co-ordinators during the project. The duration of each mobility should be between 1 and 30 days.

young people aged 18 at the start of the project with fewer opportunities, permanently resident in the country of their sending organisation

The leaders/coordinators/escorts who will accompany you must be at least 18 years old.