Mobility projects Exchanges
Eligible Organisations
The following may participate as leaders or partners:
- Non-profit organization, association, NGO
- European NGO active in the field of youth
- public body at local, regional, national level
- social enterprise
- a for-profit organisation active in the field of corporate social responsibility
- informal group of young people (A group of at least four young people between 13 and 30 years old. One of the members of the group who is at least 18 years old takes on the role of a representative, as well as responsibility on behalf of the group)
The above entities must be based in an EU Member State or a third country associated with the Programme or a third country not associated with the Programme and adjacent to the EU (regions 1 to 4). For specific information on eligible countries, please visit the Programme Guide (Part A, section "Eligible countries").
Eligible activities
Youth Exchanges
Youth Exchanges are meetings of groups of young people from at least two different countries to jointly implement a non-formal learning project (workshops, exercises, debates, role-plays, simulations, outdoor activities, etc.) on a topic of interest to them, drawing inspiration from the European Youth Objectives.
Preparatory visits
They are complementary activities. Their purpose is to prepare the main activities (administrative arrangements, fostering a climate of trust and understanding, creating a stable partnership between the organisations and individuals involved) in order to ensure the high quality of the activities. In the case of activities involving young people with fewer opportunities, the preparatory visit should ensure that the specific needs of these participants are met.
Eligible Participants
Youth Exchange activities are open to young people between 13 and 30 years old. Each national team should consist of at least 4 people plus a leader. The Programme also provides support for facilitators and facilitators where they are deemed necessary. Team leaders, coordinators and facilitators must be at least 18 years old.
All participants in activities must reside in the country of the sending or host organisation.
Despo Demetriou
Telephone: 22 448853
Budget categories
On a unit cost basis (Unit Costs)
- Organisational costs
- Travel expenses
- Individual expenditure
- Support for integration for organisations
- Support for the preparatory visit
On the basis of actual costs
- Support for the integration of participants
- Extraordinary expenses to provide a financial guarantee (80%), for high travel costs (80%), and visa and related costs, residence permits, vaccinations, medical certificates (100%)