Education and Training

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Training and Cooperation Activities mainly include Contact Seminars, Workshops, Thematic Seminars and Training Seminars.

  • Contact seminars:

The participation of European institutions and organisations in the Contact Seminars aims at finding partners and creating partnerships, with the ultimate goal of submitting proposals for grants under Key Actions 1 and 2 of the Erasmus+ programme. More specifically, in the context of these events, representatives from different European institutions/organisations have the opportunity to lay the foundations for future partnerships around pre-defined themes.

  • Workshops, Thematic Seminars, Training Seminars and other Events or Activities:

These events focus on training and exchange of good practice and experience and provide networking opportunities for participating organisations in order to increase the impact of the Erasmus+  programme at systemic level.

Representatives of interested institutions/organisations are invited, after identifying the seminar/activity they are interested in, to register their interest by completing the online declaration of interest, within the deadline set by the Lifelong Learning Institute for each seminar/activity. Expressions of interest submitted after the specified time and date will be considered ineligible.


Priority is given to institutions/organisations that:

(a) Have not received a grant to participate in Contact Seminars under the Erasmus+ programme

(b) Their field of activity is directly related to the topic of the seminar

(c) Meet the criteria set by the organiser

In the event that - after taking the above into account - the number of suitable candidates is greater than the available number of posts, the IDEP will proceed to a lottery. The results of the selection of candidates for the seminars/events organised will be announced on the IDEP’s website every four months.

Finally, it is clarified that only one person from each institution/organisation can be awarded a grant for participation in a specific Contact Seminar.

Participation procedure:


Specifically, for each category the following apply:

Seminar costs


Living expenses

  • This concerns the living expenses for two days of travel which beneficiaries may have to bear where necessary.
  • The beneficiaries are entitled to this amount if this day is not covered by the organisers.
  • In the case where living expenses during the working days of the seminar are not covered by the organiser, these expenses are also included in this category.